Saturday, October 25, 2014

Disc to Digital Part 3: That VUDU that You Do!

This is the final article in a series of three about converting one's movie and TV library from DVD and Blu-ray discs to computer-based files fit for streaming. Previously I wrote about ripping DVD and Blu-ray titles to digital files and setting up and customizing Plex, the media server.

There is another option that serves as either a supplement or substitute to ripping one's own library of discs: VUDU.

VUDU is a content provider and channel on devices like Roku. Similar to iTunes or Amazon Instant Video, one may rent or purchase movies or TV shows using VUDU. Where VUDU stands apart is in allowing one to convert one's discs to digital for a small fee.

One of the nice things about VUDU is that they have many catalog titles in HD that have never even been released on Blu-ray. It's a great way to extend the life of your video library, and for a reasonable price to boot.

Also, for the faint of heart, using the VUDU Disc to Digital service is much less intensive than ripping copies of one's own discs and then transcoding them so that they're suitable for streaming (just reading the latter part of this sentence may scare some).

One can either upgrade DVD discs to HD streams or convert DVD discs to SD streams and Blu-ray discs to HD streams. Upgrading costs as little as $2.50 per title (for 10 or more), and converting to a stream of the same resolution costs as little as $1.00 per title.

Streams may be downloaded to one's laptop or mobile device for viewing on the go.

One can convert discs at home using the free VUDU To Go application. The process is simple. First, on the In-Home Disc to Digital page, search for the title that you want to convert. If it appears in the results list, you're off to the races. (Depending on VUDU's content agreements, not all titles are available - but VUDU does frequently add more titles.)

Download and install the VUDU To Go desktop application.

Next, launch VUDU To Go.

Click on the Disc to Digital tab.

Insert the disc into your computer's disc drive. This authenticates that you own the disc and VUDU will find the title in its library.

Click on which version you'd like to own, HDX or SD. (In VUDU terminology, HD refers to 720p and HDX refers to 1080p. When you buy the HDX version, you also get the HD and SD versions.) The item is added to your cart.

Continue searching for and adding titles to your cart using the appropriate disc. When done, click on Proceed to Checkout and complete your order from there.

The next time that you access VUDU on your device the title or titles will be available to watch!

Tip: If you're converting a two-sided disc and the VUDU To Go application doesn't recognize the first side, flip it over and try again.

Discs may also be converted at any Walmart location (Walmart owns VUDU).

If you're a little leary about using VUDU To Go, know that you can convert your first disc for free.

Also, if you're new to VUDU, you can get 5 free HD movies to own from a selection of titles when you create a (free) account.

Disc to Digital Part 1: Rippin!
Disc to Digital Part 2: Setting Up and Customizing Plex

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